Counseling, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching for Paranormal and UAP (UFO) Experiences

Paranormal, UAP, and other extraordinary experiences often cause a negative, fearful reaction from your subconscious mind, which is designed to protect you from new and potentially dangerous thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. This response can lead to denial, confusion, and distress. Sometimes your subconscious removes it from your conscious awareness to protect you from the unknown effects of such an experiences.
Visit my Tucson life coaching and hypnosis practice for counseling, hypnotherapy, and life coaching to release anxiety, regain your confidence and live a happier, more fulfilling life.
You can integrate paranormal experiences into your daily life, but only if you help your subconscious to do so. It is meant to suppress such occurences, not delve deeper into their meaning. With a healthy mind, you will find it easier to uncover the deeper wisdom behind your encounters. You can regain control of a life that's open to new possibilities and a belief in yourself and your abilities.​​
Intrigued? Which of these sounds familiar…?
“I’m tired of feeling anxious…”
“I feel out of control…”
“I have tried to come to terms with my experience, but it never lasts…”
"I want to enjoy my life without fear”
“I know that life can be more exciting“
"I want to learn what my experience means"
"Why me?"
If you have asked yourself similar questions, then you owe it to yourself to learn more about my Hypnosis and Life Coaching for Paranormal Experiences Program. Select the link above to schedule a free Consultation by phone or in my office.​​
Give yourself the opportunity to feel good once again. It's worth it to come alive and enjoy life. Transform your experience into a positive belief in yourself.
Our Paranomal and UAP Program is designed to support you. ​​​
Ask Yourself These Three Important Questions.
​1. How motivated are you to come alive and feel more confident?
2. What’s keeping you from moving forward?
3. How will your life change when you become more empowered and integrate your experiences?
Consider finding out how to use counseling, hypnosis, and life coaching to redirect your focus toward what it is you do want now.
Your program uses Counseling, Hypnotherapy, and Life Coaching according to your own special needs. What are the hypnosis sessions like?
​Remember going to the movies? You walk in, sit down, and begin to relax. When the movie comes on, your brain waves naturally move down into the more imaginative Alpha state. In this open and receptive state of mind you enjoy the movie. You are essentially in a trance-like state, and from this state of mind you watch the movie. If it’s good, you are absorbed into the movie. Everything you hear and see on the screen you actually believe is happening, otherwise you’d never enjoy the movie. Your analytical mind knows that everything on the screen is make-believe. Those are actors and actresses up there playing parts! None of it is real. Yet in this state of mind you do believe it’s real, for that’s what the trance state is like. It’s similar to reading a novel. You suspend belief and picture in your mind what you read. You are in the experience, yet aren’t aware of being so. For in the present moment you are pure experience.
In short, hypnosis is a familiar, natural state of mind. We use the theta state of mind, because in this relaxed state you are very suggestible and open to hearing positive suggestions to support your abilities. Both your conscious and subconscious mind are present for these sessions, so you both hear what is being said to transform your old, negative, resistive beliefs and behaviors. This is how change occurs.
In these supportive sessions, you don't have to say anything, it is a pure experience which opens you for change. In other exploratory sessions, you will be able to talk and respond. Together we create the program and sessions that fit your needs. You are in control of your program. I am there to help you overcome the negative beliefs and experiences so that your true, authentic self emerges free from the old subconscious fears, habits and behaviors that you wish to change.
All sessions are recorded for your continued use at home.
Listen to a short example of a session
How long do I have to listen to them?​​​​
Everyone is unique! Without knowing your particular needs, habits, desire for change, focus, motivation, and other important factors, before we meet it is hard to precisely know how many sessions it will take for you to become successful. Together we will create a program that will fit your needs.
Sometimes your subconscious mind will sabotage the program and you will need to adjust the process to address this issue. You might encounter a resistance to becoming more confident and self assured. This is a normal occurrence. If so, I will guide you to get back on track and continue to successfully complete your program.
All sessions are individual and recorded for you to listen to at home for reinforcement and support.