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“Do You Know How Powerful it is to Use Hypnosis and Life Coaching for Anxiety Release?”

Consider visiting our Tucson life coaching and hypnosis office to use hypnotherapy  to release anxiety, feel more confident and live a happier, more fulfilling life.


Intrigued? Which of these sounds familiar…


  • “I’m tired of feeling anxious…”

  • “I feel out of control…”

  • “I have tried to make changes but it never lasts…”

  • “I want to enjoy life without fear”

  • “I know that life can be more exciting“


If you have asked yourself similar questions then you owe it to yourself to try our Hypnosis and Life Coaching for Anxiety Program.  Read the reviews of others who went through this program.  Give yourself the opportunity to feel good once again.  Its worth it to come alive and enjoy life once again.

Our Life Coaching and Hypnosis for Anxiety Program is designed to support your dreams

Come in for a free eliminate self sabotage consultation to learn more


Hypnosis and Life Coaching for Anxiety


I've done some exploring of my patterns and fears, this anxiety program is very complete, gave me good direction to work on and the presentation was professional in its scope.   Don West


Please visit the testimonial page and hear from Darcie, Bob and others have to say about using hypnosis for anxiety


Ask Yourself These Three Important Questions


1.  How motivated are you to come alive and feel more confident?

2.  What’s keeping you from achieving your dreams?

3.  How will your life change when you become more empowered and reach your goals?


Consider finding out how to use hypnosis and life coaching to redirect your focus toward what it is you do want now

Self Confidence Hypnosis Sessions


What’s the experience like?  


Remember going to the movies?  You walk in, sit down, and begin to relax.  When the movie comes on, your brain waves naturally move down into the more imaginative Alpha state.  In this open and receptive state of mind you watch the movie.  You are essentially in a trance-like state, and from this trance-like state of mind you watch the movie.  If it’s good, you are absorbed into the movie.  Everything you hear and see on the screen you actually believe is happening, otherwise you’d never enjoy the movie.  Your analytical mind knows that everything on the screen is make-believe.  Those are actors and actresses up there playing parts!  None of it is real.  Yet in this state of mind you do believe it’s real, for that’s what the trance state is like.  It’s similar to reading a novel.  You suspend belief and picture in your mind what you read. You are in the experience, yet aren’t aware of being so.  For in the present moment you are pure experience.


In short, hypnosis is a familiar, natural state of mind.



How long do I have to listen to them?


  • Everyone is unique! Without knowing your particular needs, habits, desire for change, focus, motivation and other important factors, it is impossible to precisely know how many sessions it will take for you to become successful.  We can, however, make some assumptions based upon past clients.


  • Sometimes your subconscious mind will sabotage the program and you will need to adjust the process to address this issue. You might encounter a resistance to becoming more confident and self assured.  If so, keep listening to the sessions and the old desires will fade away at a rate that is unique for you.

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What Price Are You Willing To Pay?


Seriously, consider what it would be worth to you.  Too often we devalue our own dreams or focus just upon the needs of others.  Think about how your life and those around you will improve when you make these significant changes.  What is the cost of your unfulfilled promises and potential?  Isn’t acquiring the means to fulfill your dreams worth a limited investment of your time and energy?


Of course it is.  There is no more important investment than that which we make in ourselves and our loved ones.


All our release Anxiety Life Coaching and Hypnosis Sessions are conducted in either our Tucson office or by phone/zoom.

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Listen to a short example of a session

Short Hypnosis example for website

With over 25 years of experience, I realize that feeling better occurs when your subconscious mind has been retrained to agree with your conscious desire for health.

Many hypnosis and life coaching programs only offer you positive suggestions for self confidence, but our program is more advanced and complete because it focuses upon:


1. Changing your mind on the subconscious level

2. Resolving inner conflict through parts integration

3. Releasing old beliefs through the power of positive Tapping

4. Creating a positive and successful future

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Will you use life coaching and hypnosis sessions to release anxiety and help you…


  • feel more sexually attractive?

  • increase your energy levels?

  • come alive and get excited about life?

  • improve your confidence and self esteem?

  • enjoy hearing what others say about the new you?


   …or do you just want to feel better about yourself?


Ask yourself these three important questions:


How motivated are you to feel better now?

What’s holding you back?

Are you ready to regain self confidence and achieve this dream?

When you follow the Program and Listen
to the Motivation Hypnosis audios…

  • You Will Learn how to Effectively Use the Hypnotic Suggestions.

  • You Will Learn how to Become More Positive.

  • You Will Learn to Turn Up the Volume of Your Positive Inner Voice.


Join the thousands of people from across the country who have used hypnosis for anxiety release audio programs.  Imagine how proud you will feel when you regain control of your life. Think about how your life will change as you release the past and embrace a new, confident life.


Each session is designed to be more powerful and effective than the last one, as the positive suggestions compound your desire to become more confident.

Hypnosis for Anxiety mp3s are extremely useful.  You can use hypnosis to help you regain self confidence and release old worries and concerns.  The overall goal of all our programs is health, so we address all issues that help you remain confident.


As you begin to say what you are feeling and ask for what you want in new, healthy ways your life changes for the better. Our program is designed to help you adopt new behaviors and release old, limiting beliefs that kept you from achieving your goals.


The results of feeling more powerful and in control can be immediate.  Imagine simply feeling more optimistic.  These feelings of positive hopefulness are an important first step in your recovery.  You build upon these first steps toward freedom and soon you look back and are amazed at how far you have come.


How do Hypnosis mp3s help you to become and remain more confident?


Your Hypnosis and Life Coaching for Anxiety session recordings are designed for at-home reinforcement.  Without reinforcement, positive suggestions can be overridden by old, negative behaviors.  The established negative belief system is strong and will, at first, resist new positive behaviors.  With reinforcement, however, the new behaviors become your new habits.


How often do you listen to your audios?


Do your best to listen to the day hypnosis anytime during the day (never while driving!) and the sleep program as you drift off to sleep each evening.   I would like you to listen to your previous session about 4-5 times before coming back for your next session.  That way you are able to fully integrate your previous lesson so that you are prepared for the next.

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So What Are You Waiting For?


After the Free Consultation, our two hour initial session is designed to start the process and to help personalize your program.  During this initial session, we will discuss your particular needs so that we can create a hypnosis session unique for you.  We discuss this and more during the first hour and do the hypnosis session during the second hour.


Choose the Hypnosis and Life Coaching for Anxiety Release Program that’s right for you. Call or go online to schedule your free Consultation below.


You can also call 520-420-5070 for more information

Greenwood Hypnosis and Life Coaching

4525 E. Skyline Dr., Suite 114, Tucson, AZ  85718

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