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Tucson Area Hypnosis for
Self Improvement

Releasing or overcoming these common issues and endeavors help you to achieve your dreams


Issues addressed by clients using hypnosis:


Passing the Bar Exam with hypnotherapy

Insomnia resolved with hypnosis

Irritable Bowel released

Anger resolution

Nail biting dissipates 

Grinding Teeth fades away

Grief processed and resolved


Come in for a no cost, overcome self sabotage consultation to learn how hypnosis can help you


Hypnosis for Passing the Bar Exam

Hi David,


I hope all is well.  I came in for a session with you towards the end July, a day or two before taking the CA bar exam.  I wanted to shoot an email and let you know that I passed!  I owe a big part of it to remaining calm and positive during those few days leading up to (and during) the exam which I think our session (and your tapes) helped me to do.  I also used the anchoring technique you showed me before each test day to remain calm.  My session with you was money well spent!  Please let me if you have a specific site on which you'd like me to leave a review!   Best,   Rachel McCammon


Or maybe you want to overcome anger, grief, biting your nails, grinding your teeth or an irritable bowel.


Issues that sabotage your success


As you move through life, you might encounter some resistance to achieving a new goal or attaining an important dream.  Your old, resistive subconscious mind that fights change will sabotage your efforts to move forward.  Maybe it fills your mind with anxiety, worry and concern while you are taking a test or trying to pass the Bar Exam.  Or perhaps it has you staying awake at night worrying about those endless possibilities or 'what ifs'.


Maybe it has you procrastinate instead of cleaning up that clutter, or grinding your teeth or biting/picking your nails with anxiety. Maybe you are trying to overcome grief or anger, but find yourself stuck in the past with old thoughts and memories.  Of course you want to healthily move through the stages of healing, but getting stuck is not the way to heal.


Perhaps the anxiety is so great that your body responds with an irritable bowel or some other physical issue.


At Greenwood Hypnotherapy we help you by learning that...


  1. The first stage of healing is becoming clear on how you want to feel and what you want to do

  2. The next stage is to learn how self sabotage is affecting your ability to live the life you want to live

  3. The final stage is to use the tools that help you move beyond the old conditioning that once held you back


Isn't it time to release what once kept you feeling frustrated, powerless or ineffective?


Whatever your particular issues, worries or fears, together we will work to help you achieve your dreams.

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